Il progetto delle nuove tratte autostradali

The project for the 
new highway routes

A toll route measuring 99 km in length, crossing the provinces of Varese, Como, Monza and Brianza and Bergamo.

Autostrada a pedaggio Free Flow® senza barriere

Barrier-free “Free Flow” toll highway

Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda is the first highway in Italy without toll booths.

Pay online

In this section, you can quickly pay tolls or payment reminders in just a few simple steps. Pay toll



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Servizi agli utenti

Highway route

Ordinanza n. 05/2025: A36 - Carreggiata ovest (dir. A8): Chiusura temporanea del tratto compreso tra lo svincolo di Mozzate-Cislago e lo svincolo di Solbiate O.

Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda is a functional, innovative and sustainable infrastructure.

About us

Environmental protection and respect

Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda's environmental policy is geared toward the concrete development of important initiatives aimed at containing energy consumption and mitigating the environmental impacts of the work.

Learn more

Area Media

Informazioni agli utenti

Campagna nazionale per la sicurezza sulle strade delle vacanze

Campagna nazionale per la sicurezza sulle strade delle vacanze